Federal official and expert on integrating physical and behavioral health services will speak in Louisville Wednesday morning

The speaker will be Kathleen Reynolds, director of the federal Center for Integrated Health Solutions, vice president of health integration and wellness for the National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare and author of Raising the Bar: Moving Toward the Integration of Healthcare. She will review the landscape of integration, discuss how it will affect Kentucky, and offer ideas on how health-care organizations can accomplish it.
The forum will be held from 8 to 9:15 a.m. Oct. 3 at the University of Louisville‘s Clinical and Translational Research Building, 505 S. Hancock Street. The registration fee for members of the Health Enterprises Network is $45; non-members $60; full-time students $10. For more information call 502.625.0179 or email Register@HealthEnterprisesNetwork.com.