Final hearing on Medicaid changes to be held Wed. in Hazard, hotbed of expansion, with live videostreaming from WYMT-TV

The final hearing on Gov. Matt Bevin’s plan to change the Medicaid program will be held tomorrow at a different location than first planned, but with a video livestream.
The hearing will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday in Room 123-E of the First
Federal Center at Hazard Community and Technical College. It will be streamed on the website of Hazard’s WYMT-TV.
Hazard is the seat of Perry County, which had the highest share of its population enrolled under the expansion of eligibility for Medicaid in 2014: 20 percent. The figures for adjoining counties were Breathitt, 17.6 percent; Knott, 15 percent; Letcher, 17.2 percent; Harlan, 18.8 percent; Leslie, 19.3 percent; and Owsley, 18.3 percent. For a interactive version of this map, with figures for every county, click here.