Health reporter writes ‘Five things about Omicron that I want my friends and family to know’

Dan Diamond, a health reporter for The Washington Post, recently posted a Facebook thread about the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. It went viral, so he turned it into a story for the newspaper. He makes five points:
Daniel Ryan of Washington, D.C., wore a surgical mask under a cloth mask early this year to provide greater protection. (Washington Post photo by Sarah Voisin) |
Brace yourself for a positive test: Omicron is one of the most contagious viruses ever found, so “Many, many people who are vaccinated or previously infected are going to test positive in the next few weeks . . . While earlier forms of the virus got stopped at your body’s front door if you were ‘fully vaccinated’ or previously infected, omicron can get inside. Still, vaccines and boosters hold the power to defang the worst consequences of omicron and fight off infections. It’s possible that some folks reading this have omicron right now and don’t know it because their immune system is doing such a good job containing the infection and the symptoms are small or nonexistent.”
Upgrade your mask and think twice about taking risks. This month will be crucial. “The next month in America could rival the worst days of the pandemic, as a sheer wave of cases crashes into our country. Every expert I spoke to is cutting back on scheduled plans, and several urged: Don’t take risks that could land you in a doctor’s office or hospital emergency room at a moment when demand on our health-care system is going to surge. . . . I’m going to make sure I’ve always got a high-quality mask with me to navigate crowds and indoor spaces. Even if infections are inevitable, I don’t want to help omicron along, especially until we get more data in the coming weeks. And I don’t want to unwittingly get sick and carry an infection to family members this holiday season.”