State and advocates try to keep eligible Kentuckians on Medicaid

By Deborah Yetter
Kentucky Lantern
Some patients find out they’ve been dropped from Medicaid when they come in to pick up a prescription. Others, when they arrive for a doctor’s appointment.
And some are struggling to cope with paperwork or documentation required to prove eligibility for Medicaid under new rules that require such information for the first time in three years.
Ashley Shoemaker, director of outreach for the Family Health Centers in Louisville, recalls the relief one man expressed when he was contacted as part of an effort to alert patients about the Medicaid changes.
“He said, ‘I’ve been trying to do this on my own and I don’t know where to start,’” Shoemaker said. “He’s eligible; he just didn’t know where to begin.” Staff helped him complete his application.
But around 70,000 people in Kentucky have been terminated from the health plan for low-income and disabled individuals through June, the latest numbers available from the state.
Mosyt lost coverage for not responding to paperwork, or not properly completing it.
How to renew your Medicaid
What’s going on with the program? If you get health coverage through Medicaid, you may have to resume the annual process of proving you are still eligible for the federal-state health plan for low income and disabled individuals. The requirement was suspended for three years during the Covid-19 pandemic but in Kentucky, resumed in May.
What do I need to do? Watch for a notice in the mail from state Medicaid officials, and be sure to read it and return it with any information requested. If your address has changed in the past three years, make sure the state has your current address either by notifying the state Department for Community Based Services in your county or by calling 1-855-306-8959.
If you have an account through kynect, the state’s online health insurance site, you can log in and update your information and check to see whether you have any messages requiring action. The kynect phone number is 1-855-4kynect (459-6328).
Where can I get help? If you don’t apply by mail or online, you can visit any Department for Community Based Services office; there’s one in every county.
You also can call the kynect hotline listed above to ask help finding a kynector — workers trained to help people get health coverage. They are located at agencies, clinics and other sites.
What if I no longer qualify for Medicaid? Visit the kynect site or meet with a kynector or local insurance agent to look for other options. A number of low-cost health plans are available with federal subsidies that make them affordable.
Health advocates in Kentucky — as well as nationwide — are watching and working to ensure people who are eligible remain insured as states transition back to yearly recertification for Medicaid. The state began sending the first round of notices in May, based on a member’s renewal month.
“For three years, people didn’t need to respond to notices they received because their coverage was going to continue,” said Emily Beauregard, executive director of Kentucky Voices for Health, which is closely monitoring the situation.
During the pandemic that began in 2020, the federal government suspended the annual requirement that people prove they are eligible for the coverage which is based largely on income.
Kentucky’s $15 billion-a-year Medicaid program covers 1.6 million people, including adults, children and individuals in nursing homes, with the federal government covering 70% to 80% of the costs.
With the recent decision to lift the federal public health emergency, the states must again begin requiring annual renewal by members.
And that’s proving difficult among people who aren’t used to the annual requirement, may not understand the process or don’t have access to technology required to complete online applications and upload documents, such as income verification, advocates said.
Through June, 70,000 of the around 900,000 Kentucky adults covered by Medicaid have been dropped from the health plan, most losing coverage for “procedural reasons,” such as failing to respond to a renewal notice sent by the state.
Other states are posting similar numbers, with 75% of disenrollments nationwide due to procedural reasons, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, a non-partisan health policy organization which offers a Medicaid enrollment tracker on its website.
That doesn’t mean all Kentuckians who lose Medicaid lack health coverage.
Eric Friedlander, secretary of the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services, which administers Medicaid, said Kentucky structured its 12-month recertification plan to first target those who are most likely to have obtained other health coverage. That includes up who people 65 and qualify for Medicare, the government plan for older Americans, or who have obtained coverage through employment.
Advocates agree with the approach but still worry that too many people who are eligible are losing coverage for failing to receive or respond to notifications from the state. With only a few months of data available, it’s hard to tell, said Beauregard.
“At this point, it’s too soon to know how many people are walking around uninsured and either don’t know it or think they are not eligible,” she said.
Preliminary numbers show as many as 40% of those losing Medicaid coverage may have obtained other health insurance. And about 3,000 people who lost coverage have been reinstated once they provided applications or documentation, such as proof of income or address, Friedlander said.
Meanwhile, about half of those targeted each month for Medicaid recertification don’t have to do anything at all. They are deemed eligible through “passive” renewal, in which the state is able to validate information such as income and household size by checking state and federal databases.
And those whose income has increased, making them no longer eligible for Medicaid, may be eligible for low-cost, federally-subsidized private plans through kynect, Kentucky’s online health insurance exchange, Medicaid Commissioner Lisa Lee said: “There really is something for everyone.”
The tens of thousands of children losing coverage in some states prompted one group that monitors Medicaid to suggest states suspend terminating kids to determine what’s going wrong.
In Idaho, for example, around 23,000 children have been removed for failing to return recertification forms, according to the Idaho Capital Sun. Arkansas also has moved aggressively to cut people, including children, from Medicaid.
“The stakes are high,” said a blog post on the Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute Center for Children and Families. “Gaps in coverage are problems for anyone — but especially for children, who, while not expensive, are regular users (or should be) of health care.”
Children and adults in rural states including Kentucky are especially dependent on Medicaid for health care, the center reported.
Nationwide, seven rural counties have half or more of their adults covered by Medicaid and six of those counties are in Kentucky, it said.
Around 600,000 Kentucky children have health coverage through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program, known as CHIP, a Medicaid program for children whose parents earn too much to qualify but are still considered low-income.
That’s more than half the state’s children.
They will be among the last to be recertified under the 12-month process Kentucky began in May, Friedlander said.
Meanwhile, state officials, advocacy groups, community clinics and others are working to alert Medicaid patients to the changes through notices, fliers, mail, phone calls, text messages and other means.State officials set up an exhibit at the Kentucky State Fair to inform the public about changes, with private booths where state workers helped people apply for or renew coverage.
Advocates are especially concerned about those who might unknowingly lose coverage by not receiving or responding to a notice.
“It is important that individuals have insurance coverage because health care is expensive,” Lewis said. “A medical bill for something that’s not covered can be really debilitating.”
It could also affect community clinics that serve a high percentage of Medicaid patients and operate on tight budgets.
“It definitely can affect us from the bottom-line standpoint,” said Kirstie Matzek, CEO of the Shawnee Christian HealthCare Center, a federally authorized community health service in Louisville.
Matzek said her clinic staff has been attending events such as festivals and church picnics to hand out information. Staff also has been notifying patients about the Medicaid changes, she said.